ECU Libraries Catalog


Smith, William. An Account of the Proceedings of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies : In Pursuance of Their Purchases Made of the Independent Natives, July 5th, 1773, and 18th October, 1775. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, no. 52. Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street, 1796.


Smith, W. (1796). An account of the proceedings of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies : in pursuance of their purchases made of the independent natives, July 5th, 1773, and 18th October, 1775. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, no. 52. Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street.


Smith, William, An Account of the Proceedings of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies: In Pursuance of Their Purchases Made of the Independent Natives, July 5th, 1773, and 18th October, 1775. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, no. 52. Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street, 1796.