ECU Libraries Catalog


Steel, David. The Ship-master's Assistent and Owner's Manual : Containing Complete Information, As Well to Merchants, Masters of Ships, and Persons Employed In the Merchant-service, As to Officers and Others In the Royal Navy, Relative to the Mercantile and Maritime Laws and Customs. 11th ed., London: Published at Steel's Navagation-Warehouse, Tower-Hill, 1808.


Steel, D. (1808). The ship-master's assistent and owner's manual : containing complete information, as well to merchants, masters of ships, and persons employed in the Merchant-Service, as to officers and others in the Royal Navy, relative to the mercantile and maritime laws and customs. 11th ed., London: Published at Steel's Navagation-Warehouse, Tower-Hill.


Steel, David, The Ship-Master's Assistent and Owner's Manual : Containing Complete Information, As Well to Merchants, Masters of Ships, and Persons Employed In the Merchant-Service, As to Officers and Others In the Royal Navy, Relative to the Mercantile and Maritime Laws and Customs. 11th ed., London: Published at Steel's Navagation-Warehouse, Tower-Hill, 1808.