ECU Libraries Catalog


Aikin, John. A New Biographical Dictionary. On the First of January Next Will Be Published, Handsomely Printed In Quarto, On a Very Fine Paper, No. I of a New Work, Entitled, General Biography, Or, Lives, Critical and Historical, of the Most Eminent Persons of All Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions, Arranged According to Alphabetical Order; Chiefly Composed by John Aikin, M.d. and the Late Rev. William Enfield, Ll.d. [London]: William Thorne, printer, Red Lyon Court, Fleet Street, London, 1799.


Aikin, J. (1799). A new biographical dictionary. On the first of January next will be published, handsomely printed in quarto, on a very fine paper, No. I of a new work, entitled, General biography, or, lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order; chiefly composed by John Aikin, M.D. and the late Rev. William Enfield, LL.D. [London]: William Thorne, printer, Red Lyon Court, Fleet Street, London.


Aikin, John, A New Biographical Dictionary. On the First of January Next Will Be Published, Handsomely Printed In Quarto, On a Very Fine Paper, No. I of a New Work, Entitled, General Biography, Or, Lives, Critical and Historical, of the Most Eminent Persons of All Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions, Arranged According to Alphabetical Order; Chiefly Composed by John Aikin, M.D. and the Late Rev. William Enfield, LL.D. [London]: William Thorne, printer, Red Lyon Court, Fleet Street, London, 1799.