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Defense Infrastructure : Army Brigade Combat Team Inactivations Informed by Analyses, but Actions Needed to Improve Stationing Process : Report to the Subcommittee On Airland, Committee On Armed Services, United States Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: United States Government Accountability Office, 2013.


(2013). Defense infrastructure : Army brigade combat team inactivations informed by analyses, but actions needed to improve stationing process : report to the Subcommittee on Airland, Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: United States Government Accountability Office.


Defense Infrastructure: Army Brigade Combat Team Inactivations Informed by Analyses, but Actions Needed to Improve Stationing Process : Report to the Subcommittee On Airland, Committee On Armed Services, United States Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: United States Government Accountability Office, 2013.