ECU Libraries Catalog

The a cappella singer : mixed voices : a collection of motets, madrigals, chansons, carols, ayres, ballets, etc. / edited by H. Clough-Leighter ; preface by Augustus D. Zanzig.

Format Musical Score and Print
Publication Info Boston : E.C. Schirmer, 1936.
Copyright Notice ©1936
Description1 score (171 pages) ; 27 cm
Other author/creatorClough-Leighter, H. (Henry), 1874-1956, editor.
Other author/creatorZanzig, Augustus D. (Augustus Delafield), writer of preface.
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Balletts. Sing wee and chaunt it.
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Madrigals, singers (4). Aprill is in my mistris face
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Balletts. Now is the month of maying.
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Balletts. My bonny lasse shee smyleth.
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Balletts. Shoot, false love, I care not.
Included WorkMorley, Thomas, 1557-1603? Daintie, fine, sweet nimphe.
Included WorkWilbye, John, 1574-1638. Madrigals, voices (3-6), set 1. Flora gave mee fairest flowers.
Included WorkWilbye, John, 1574-1638. Madrigals, voices (3-6), set 1. Adew, sweet Amarillis.
Included WorkWeelkes, Thomas, approximately 1575-1623. Grace my lovely one.
Included WorkWeelkes, Thomas, approximately 1575-1623. Balletts and madrigals. Ladie, your eye my love enforced.
Included WorkByrd, William, 1539 or 1540-1623. Songs of sundrie natures. I thought that Love had been a boy.
Included WorkBennet, John, active 1599-1614. Madrigals, voices (4). Let go! why do you stay me.
Included WorkGibbons, Orlando, 1583-1625. Madrigals and mottets. Silver swanne.
Included WorkPilkington, Francis, -1638. Songs or ayres. Rest, sweet nymphs.
Included WorkPurcell, Henry, 1659-1695. Libertine. In these delightful, pleasant groves.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. Matona mia cara.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. Matona mia cara. English.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Neue teutsche Lieder. Ich waiss mir ein Meidlein hübsch und fein.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Neue teutsche Lieder. Ich waiss mir ein Meidlein hübsch und fein. English.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Chansons, voices (4), book 1. Bon jour mon coeur.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Chansons, voices (4), book 1. Bon jour mon coeur English.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. S'io ti vedess'una sol volt'il giorno.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. S'io ti vedess'una sol volt'il giorno. English.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. O occhi, manza mia.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Libro de villanelle, moresche, et altre canzoni. O occhi, manza mia. English.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Chansons, voices (4-6), book 3. Mon cœur se recommande.
Included WorkLasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594. Chansons, voices (4-6), book 3. Mon cœur se recommande. English.
Included WorkRegnart, François, approximately 1530-approximately 1600. Petite nymfe folatre.
Included WorkRegnart, François, approximately 1530-approximately 1600. Petite nymfe folatre. English.
Included WorkVerdelot, Philippe, -approximately 1565. Madrigals, voices (4), book 2. Vostri acuti dardi.
Included WorkVerdelot, Philippe, -approximately 1565. Madrigals, voices (4), book 2. Vostri acuti dardi. English.
Included WorkTessier, Charles, active approximately 1600. Chansons et airs de court. Au joly bois je m'en voys.
Included WorkTessier, Charles, active approximately 1600. Chansons et airs de court. Au joly bois je m'en voys. English.
Included WorkMarenzio, Luca, 1553-1599. Madrigals, voices (5), book 2. Già torna a rallegrar l'aria e la terra.
Included WorkMarenzio, Luca, 1553-1599. Madrigals, voices (5), book 2. Già torna a rallegrar l'aria e la terra. English.
Included WorkVecchi, Orazio, 1550-1605. Selva di varia ricreatione. So ben mi c'hà buon tempo.
Included WorkVecchi, Orazio, 1550-1605. Selva di varia ricreatione. So ben mi c'hà buon tempo. English.
Included WorkGiovannelli, Ruggiero, approximately 1560-1625. Madrigals, voices (5), book 2. Mi sfidate.
Included WorkGiovannelli, Ruggiero, approximately 1560-1625. Madrigals, voices (5), book 2. Mi sfidate. English.
Included WorkCui, César, 1835-1918. Choruses, mixed voices, op. 53, no. 1. English.
Included WorkCui, César, 1835-1918. Choruses, mixed voices, op. 53, no. 4. English.
Contents Sing we and chant it ; April is in my mistress' face ; Now is the month of Maying ; My bonny lass ; Shoot, false love, I care not ; Dainty, fine, sweet nymph / Thomas Morley -- Flora gave me fairest flowers ; Adieu, sweet Amarillis / John Wilbye -- Grace my lovely one, fair beauties ; Lady, your eye my love enforced / Thomas Weelkes -- I thought that love had been a boy / William Byrd -- Let go, why do you stay me? / John Bennett -- Silver swan / Orlando Gibbons -- Rest, sweet nymphs / Francis Pilkington -- In these delightful, pleasant groves / Henry Purcell -- Matona, lovely maiden = Matona, mia cara ; I know a young maiden wondrous fair = Ich waiss mir ein Meidlein hübsch und fein ; Good-day, dear heart = Bon jour, mon coeur ; Ah, could my eyes behold thee = S'io ti vedess' una sol ; O eyes of my beloved = O occhi manza mia ; My heart doth beg you'll not forget = Mon coeur se recommande à vous / Orlando di Lasso -- Gay little nymph = Petite nymfe folâtre / Francois Regnard -- I vostr' acuti dardi = One smiling summer morning / Philippe Verdelot -- To woodland glades I must fare = Au joli bois je m'en vais / Charles Tessier -- Coletta : ronde villageoise / Franc̜ois-Auguste Gevaert -- Spring returns / Luca Marenzio -- So well I know who's happy = So ben mi ch'à bon tempo / Orazio Vecchi -- You defy me, belovèd foe = Mi sfidate / Rugiero Giovanelli -- Cloud messengers ; Radiant stars, above the mountains glowing : (nocturne) / Cesar Antonovitch Cui.
General noteFor SATB, with some SSATB and SATTB; piano acc. for rehearsal.
General notePublisher's number: 1682.
LanguageEnglish, French, German or Italian words; includes English translations of non-English works.
Issued in other formOnline version: A cappella singer. Boston : E.C. Schirmer, ©1936
Genre/formPart songs.
Genre/formMadrigals (Music)
Genre/formPolyphonic chansons.
Publisher number1682 E.C. Schirmer

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Music Music Stacks M1579.C69 A2 1936 ✔ Available Place Hold
Music Music Stacks M1579.C69 A2 1936 ✔ Available Place Hold